


Welcome to my professional mixing and mastering service for punk music! I have over 10 years of experience in the industry, including success as a producer, songwriter, and guitarist for bands like WolfoxNJ and Human Target. My passion for punk music and expertise in audio engineering make me uniquely qualified to bring your vision to life. Using Ableton, I will mix and master your punk song and deliver a polished WAV file, as well as each processed track and the Ableton project. I’ll work with you until you are ready to share your song with the world.

How to Send Your Tracks for Mixing and Mastering

You will need to send me the following:

  1. Each track in your project from beginning to end as separate WAV files descriptively named, without any processing, and organized by instrument type:
    • drums
    • bass
    • guitar
    • vocals
    • and FX (as a catch all).
  2. Your rough mix or a reference punk song that you’d like your song to be similar to;
  3. The song name, BPM, and key. I recommend using Dropbox, Google Drive, or WeTransfer to send your audio files.

I will be in touch after checkout to arrange delivery.

Tips for Sending Your Drums for Mixing and Mastering

If you have separate microphone channels, please share each one. If you have used MIDI, please share the MIDI file, the software or plugin you used (such as EZDrummer, GetGoodDrums, etc.), and either the multi-out or the stereo mix of your drum sound.

Tips for Sending Your Guitar

If you have recorded using a direct input, please share both the raw direct input sound and your processed, amped sound.

Tips for Sending Your Vocals

If you have done any editing or tuning that you are happy with, please send them without any processing (such as reverb or compression). If you would like me to tune and edit your vocals for you, please send them completely unedited and unprocessed.

You can also hire me on Fiverr or to record your drums or vocals.


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